Lars Ulrich: Fan Criticism Will Never Affect Metallica's Music Decision
Lars Ulrich (Instagram @larsulrich)


JAKARTA - In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich discussed the fact that he and his bandmates have never allowed fan criticism to influence their decisions, especially when it comes to music issues.

"No, it's almost like that from the start," he said.

"When we started, the type of music we brought up did not match what happened on the Sunset Strip in 1982. Everyone ignored us. When intro Fade To Black played on the album Ride The Lightning [in 1984] there was a big storm about how dare we put an acoustic guitar into an album called thrash metal. It's been like that for more than 40 years," he continued.

"We always determine our own direction," he explained. We all live in a world that is not accepted by the mainstream. We are all just looking for something to belong to us. As an only child, I have nothing to hold on to."

"So, being a member of the band, with James [Hetfield, Metallica vocalist], being part of a group of people who think the same thing, are wasted and unsuitable, giving me a sense of belonging and identity. My path will forever be tied to Metallica's path. That's the only way I've ever been active," he concluded.

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