
JAKARTA - Three personnel from Kotak, Tantri (vocals), Chua (bass) and Cella (guitar) were reported by Posan Tobing to the police for alleged violations of the Copyright Law.

Responding to the report, Aldi Novianto as the manager of Kotak admitted that he was not aware of any reports. He first learned about the information from media reports.

"We don't know the information yet, we just found out from the media," said Aldi Novianto when contacted by the media crew on Wednesday, September 6 evening.

The band manager of Kotak stated that his party would submit all legal issues to the team of lawyers.

Aldi also ensured that the three Kotak personnel as reported would cooperate if the police sent a summons.

"If there is a call, of course we will come to fulfill it, we will cooperate," he said.

So far, Aldi stated that Kotak is still undergoing activities as usual. No problems arise due to the conflict with the former drummer.

"Their activities are still running smoothly, there are no disturbances," concluded Aldi Novianto, the manager of the band Kotak.

For information, Posan Tobing, accompanied by two colleagues, Pare and Icez, as well as a lawyer, visited Polda Metro Jaya on Wednesday, September 6 to report three Kotak personnel.

The report is the aftermath of Posan's subpoena against the Box, by prohibiting the use of songs that he or she created together.

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