
JAKARTA - For the third time, Powerslaves has re-released Tonight, one of their mainstay hits during a gig.

Previously, the song Malam Ini was first released via the 1998 Rock N' Roll Train album. Then it was re-released via EP Don't You Die in 2010.

The remastered version of Tonight presents more detailed and complex music in terms of arrangement, which is also supported by novelty in terms of sound.

"Tonight's song, which is now the basic arrangement, is like the Rock N 'Roll Train album. Through current recording technology, the results of the sound are more about the current rock era as a whole," said Anwar Fatahillah, bassist and Powerslaves frontman, in an official statement received by VOI, Tuesday, September 5.

Anwar Fatahillah also talked about the use of more complex biroama. Different from the EP version, which entirely uses 4/4 birationa, the remastered version uses 4/4 and 3/4.

"Tonight (Remaster) also increased the tempo a little. Supported by Heydi Ibrahim's mature vocal quality, the rock energy of this song material is much stronger," said Anwar.

"In addition, the touch of Wiwiex Soedarno's orchestration (keyboards) adds to the value and splendor of this song which was not present in the previous material," he added.

Regarding the guitar filling played by Andin KS, it is also different from what Andry Muhammad produced in the first release and Acho Jibrani in the second release.

Without comparing with the initial two versions that have been done as well as possible, said Anwar, Andin KS's filling follows Andry Muhammad's lead plus new fillings.

"If the current song arrangement follows Andry's lead, automatically it will match the previous notation as much as possible. And it will be a challenge because this song will tempo up," said Anwar regarding Andin KS' guitar filling in the remastered version.

The challenge mainly raises the soul, the life of the previous notation. There is also an additional guitar filling that adds weight to the entire material of this song. In essence, Andin KS is also doing his best," he continued.

Behind the final results they got for this song, there was the hard work of Powerslaves who had a career in the Indonesian music industry for more than three decades. Research, sensitivity and foresight are obtained through an instant process.

The remastered version of the song Tonight is available and can be heard on various digital music platforms.

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