JAKARTA - Musician Tulus released the Interaction video clip, a song taken from his latest album titled Human (March 2022).
The Interaction video clip is an offering that comes from Tulus' own creative idea. Tim manajemen Tulus mengatakan, video clip tersebut merupakan gambaran bahwa banyak hal yang dapat terjadi di luar kendali manusia.
"In the course of life, humans have the ability and power to choose. However, there are also so many things beyond our control. Interaction music videos are a small picture of billions of other images in the world. Images when humans can't always choose to meet, exchange feelings, bound, separate from what and who," quoted from Antara, Friday.
In working on the Interaction video clip, Tulus was assisted by Claudia Dian, Nasrul Akbar, and Dere as the creative team. In addition, there is also Davi Linggar who acts as a director as well as a camera and coloring arranger, as well as
Video clip Interaction can be enjoyed on Tulus' official YouTube channel.
Not long ago, Tulus completed a concert tour entitled "Human" as a form of gratitude for 11 years of working in the music industry.
The tour was held from February to March 2023 in 11 cities in Indonesia, namely Medan, Palembang, Makassar, Batam, Surabaya, Bali, Samarinda, Manado, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta.
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