JAKARTA - PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia (HMID) has officially added a line of electric vehicle models by introducing the All-new Kona Electric N Line for the Indonesian market. This model marks the first step of the N Line model in Indonesia.
"We introduce Kona Electric N Line which marks the first step of the N Line model in Indonesia," said PT HMID Chief Operating Officer Fransiscus Soerjopranoto in his remarks at the Hyundai N Brand Experience Center, SCBD, Jakarta, Thursday, December 12.
Previously, this model has been displayed on the pkb.jakarta.go.id page, the model has been registered in the Motor Vehicle Selling Value (NJKB) with the code NEWKONA NLINE EV2WAT.
Unlike other Kona variants, the car has a sporty appearance ranging from its exterior to its interior by showing the characteristics of the Hyundai N division which displays the impression of motorsport.
From outside this car has a sporty look and has a more assertive and courageous grip. The interior has a strong aggressive impression," explained Frans.
It is also confirmed that the latest Kona N Line will be produced locally in Indonesia by utilizing the assembly of the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (HMMI) in Cikarang, West Java.
For the Indonesian market, Hyundai Kona Electric N Line is priced at IDR 608.5 million On The Road DKI Jakarta and has been ordered today.
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