
JAKARTA - The 2023 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) is an important moment for several automotive manufacturers to prove the attractiveness of their vehicles to attract the attention of visitors at ICE BSD, Tangerang.

One of the manufacturers who made their debut in Indonesia, namely Neta, managed to prove it with the Vehicle Ordering Letter (SPK) they achieved during this exhibition.

PT Neta Auto Indonesia recorded 162 SPK units with only one model offered, namely Neta V, to customers.

Jason Ding, Head Director of PT Neta Auto Indonesia, expressed his happiness at the positive response to Neta products. He hopes that Neta products can contribute to the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

"The presence of NETA at GIIAS 2023 is expected to make a positive contribution in introducing and socializing electrified vehicles and environmentally friendly technology to the public, in order to support future mobility and the development of the Indonesian automotive industry," Jason said in his statement, Thursday, August 24.

Neta introduced three of her products in Indonesia, namely Neta S, Neta U, and Neta V, all of whom were present at GIIAS 2023 and offered a pre-book price for Neta V of IDR 379 million.

Neta's existence is in line with the Indonesian government's initiative to support environmentally friendly vehicles. Neta is committed to providing electric vehicles with the latest technology, which is expected to be popular among the Indonesian people.

Neta started her steps in Indonesia by opening a pre-booking period during GIIAS 2023 and planning to assemble vehicles locally in the second quarter of 2024.

Some time ago, PT Neta Auto Indonesia also partnered with PT Handal Indonesia Motor (HIM) to assemble electric vehicles in Indonesia.

It is planned that Neta and HIM will start the process of assembling electric vehicles in Indonesia in the second quarter of 2024. This agreement was inaugurated through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on July 26.

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