JAKARTA Tobali Film and Skak Studios will present a comedy genre family drama film but can stir the emotions of the audience. Their latest film, Cocote Tonggo, will air May 15, 2025 in cinemas throughout Indonesia.
Sahli Himawan as the owner of Tobali Film and director Bayu Skak, raises the reality of neighboring life with all its twists and turns. Films that are full of fresh humor, family warmth, and a touching emotional touch, are ready to entertain and invite us to reflect on how words can build or destroy them.
Set in an environment where everyone knows other people's business rather than himself, Cocote Tonggo brings a funny and unique story about a husband and wife, Luki and Murni, who have been married for a long time but have not had children. In order to maintain the good name and continuity of the herbal medicine shop, the legacy of the family is famous for its fertility ingredients.
Make neighbors make them the subject of main talk every day. The subject of discussion that was originally only satire for selling fertility jamu but the trader did not have children, so it turned into unavoidable pressure. Will Luki and Murni succeed in maintaining family harmony while saving their herbal medicine shops?
This film is more than just entertainment, Cocote Tonggo touches all of us' anxiety about how to deal with neighboring talks that seem to never stop. Through his humorous, smart and touching story, Tobali and Bayu Skak show the reality that the only way to deal with social pressure is to change perspective and make it motivation.
The film "Cocote Tonggo" stars well-known Indonesian actors and actresses, including Denis Adishwara, Ayushita, Asri Welas, Bayu Skak, Sundari Soekotjo, Brilliana Arfira, Ika Diharjo and other players.
Tobali Film has a long history in the Indonesian film industry. Originally known as Tobali Indah Film, this company was founded in 1979 and actively produced various drama and art films including "Benawan Solo", "Sunan Kalijaga", "Ari Hangara", and "Relarian Johny Indo". In 2006, this company was incarnated into Tobali Putra Production under the leadership of Utojo Sutjiutama.
In 2024, the baton ownership of Tobali Putra Production will move to Sahli Himawan, a young businessman from Solo who is also known as a music observer. His love for the creative world encourages him not only to work in the field of music, especially the dangdut, ambyar, and koplo genres, but also to explore the film industry.
Mas Sahli Himawan transforms Tobali Putra Production into Tobali Film and is committed to being more productive in producing quality films.
"The entertainment industry is an important part of our lives. In the midst of economic difficulties, people still need entertainment that can provide positive value and education. I believe, with creativity and the spirit of innovation, we can continue to progress and develop," he said.
Apart from Cocote Tonggo, Tobali Film is preparing several of the latest films that are scheduled to be released soon. One of them is the film "Amen Without Faith" which has completed filming and ten other film titles that are in the preparation stage. Mas Sahli ensured that Tobali Film will continue to present quality works for film lovers and is ready to continue its contribution in enriching the territory of Indonesian cinema.
Skak Studios is a production house founded in 2019 by Bayu Skak. This studio focuses on developing story-based products, such as films, series, and animation. With a strong vision in promoting local culture, Skak Studios continues to contribute to Indonesia's creative industry.
Bayu Skak, started his career as a YouTuber in 2009 with Javanese-language comedy content, which then led him to the world of Indonesian cinema.
As a director, this 31-year-old man has directed several box office films, including the "Yowis Ben" film series which began in 2018. This film was not only commercially successful by watching more than 1 million people, but also received critical appreciation so that it brought Bayu to the nominations for Best Director Genre Comedy at the 2022 Indonesian Journalist Film Festival.
In 2024, Bayu again attracted attention with the phenomenal film "Sekawan Limo" with an audience of more than 2.5 million people.
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