Strong winds that hit Jember Regency, East Java on Saturday afternoon left one person injured, four houses damaged, and dozens of fallen trees blocking road access in various locations.
Head of the Jember Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Widodo Julianto, explained that the injured victim named Yusro, a resident of Ajung Village/Sub-district. Yusro experienced chest pain, lumps on his head, and had to undergo X-ray photo examination at the nearest hospital.
The strong winds hit 15 sub-districts in Jember Regency, namely: Tempurejo, Rambi Puji, Puger, Tanggul, Balung, Bangsasari, Patrang, Ajung, Kencong, Sukowono, Jelbuk, Gumukmas, Kaliwates, Ledokombo, and Silo.
According to Widodo, the large number of trees that fell on several roads caused traffic lanes to be disrupted. Officers moved quickly to evacuate trees blocking the road, and the tree cutting process required traffic to be cleared and closed.
One of the affected routes is the Gumitir Line which connects Jember Regency with Banyuwangi. The fallen tree on this route caused long traffic jams in both directions, but there were no casualties because no vehicles passed at the time of the incident.
It took officers about two hours to clean up a fallen tree on the Gumitir Line. The Jember Police Traffic Unit helped regulate the flow of traffic that had been stopped due to the incident.
Widodo appealed to the public to remain alert to extreme weather that could occur at any time in the next few days, in accordance with the early warning from the BMKG.
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