YOGYAKARTA Many of us complain of stomach pain after eating suhoor. This condition should not be taken lightly, because it can interfere with the smooth running of fasting. So, what causes stomach pain after suhoor?
Stomach pain after suhoor can be caused by various factors, ranging from improper eating patterns to digestive system disorders.
By understanding the cause of stomach pain after dawn, you can take preventive measures, so that fasting can be carried out more comfortably.
Compiled from various sources, here are various causes of stomach pain after suhoor that you need to pay attention to:
Eating suhoor quickly risks causing health problems in the digestive system, one of which is dyspepsia. This condition is characterized by the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms in the upper abdomen, such as full feeling, bloating, nausea, and pain.
In addition to eating too fast, eating large portions when suhoor can also cause stomach pain. This condition occurs because the stomach is not strong enough to accept excessive portions of food so that the digestive process for food takes longer, as a result, the stomach becomes sore.
Quoted from AI-Care, eating spicy at dawn can cause problems in the digestive tract system, such as pain, bloating stomach, and the emergence of a hot sensation in the stomach.
If you have a history of dyspepsia and intestinal inflammation, eating spicy when suhoor can trigger recurrence of the disease.
In addition, eating too much spicy can also trigger diarrhea. The increase in the frequency of defecation is caused by the capsaicin content in chilies that irritate the small intestine, causing the stomach to hurt or start.
Don't overdo caffeine at dawn. Too much caffeine intake can make you feel pain in your stomach after dawn.
The caffeine content can irritate the stomach and risk causing diarrhea.
Consumption of oily foods at dawn can put pressure on the digestive system. The fat digestive process is longer than other nutrients, so fat lasts longer in the stomach. This can cause complaints such as bloating, nausea, or stomach pain.
The cause of stomach pain after suhoor others is acid reflux. Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid rises to the concavity. This condition is also known as gastroesophageal reflectivity (GERD).
Symptoms can be in the form of a painful sensation in the chest and abdomen, bitter taste in the mouth, pain in the heart, nausea, and difficulty swallowing.
Launching VOI, sleeping after eating suhoor can indeed have a bad impact on health. Especially if there is no pause between eating time and sleeping.
Some digestive disorders that are at risk arise due to sleep after eating suhoor are stomach acid, GERD, and weight gain.
That's information about the cause of stomach pain after dawn. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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