JAKARTA - As the owner of a pet dog, one form of responsibility that must be done is bathing it. In addition to functioning as a good hygiene practice, bathing dogs regularly helps clean hair and dog skin from dirt, flakes, ticks, and caplak. In addition, bathing also plays an important role in preventing infection and minimizing odors.
In a survey conducted on more than 300 dog owners by Total Vet, reported by Cuteness, Thursday, December 12, about 30 percent of participants reported that they wash dogs every month. Meanwhile, 20 percent of respondents only wash their dogs once every few months.
With this difference, the question arises how often dogs should be bathed? According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), how often do you have to wash your puppy depending on three factors: lifestyle, fur, and race.
Hairless dog breeds need to take a shower once a week, while moderate to large haired dogs such as Cavalier King Charles Spaiel need to take a bath once a week of up to four to six weeks. On the other hand, dogs with thick or double fur such as Siberian Husky only need to take a shower once every one to three months.
Meanwhile, dogs who spend time outdoors get dirty more quickly so they have to bathe more frequently in dogs who spend time indoors all day. Another factor to consider is health conditions. Dr. Alison Diesel of Texas Faculty of Veterinary Medicine A&M explains, "Dogs with skin problems need to shower more frequently and require special shampoos or shampoos that contain drugs."
Although tempted to wash dogs more often, unfortunately this could be a bad idea. Bathing dogs more often than necessary can cause skin irritation and skin drought. A 2023 study published by Frontiers in Veterinary Science observed a Lamrador retriever dog being bathed every day for two weeks. The results show negative changes to the skin microbiome. At the same time, not bathing dogs can at all harm his health. This allows dead skin cells to accumulate on the skin, so that it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and infections.
Determining how many times a dog needs to be bathed per year is ultimately a personal decision. Although there are some variations among dog breeds, most dogs will benefit from bathing every four to six weeks. If you are not sure, consult a veterinarian to find out when the time is most suitable for your dog breed. Even if you decide to keep the time between showers apart, know that most dogs still require weekly care sessions consisting of combing the hair, removing tightness, cutting nails, and cleaning ears.
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