
JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting's mother, Ummi Kalsum, said that her daughter never knew the payment she got while working. Ayu's work is managed by Umi Kulsum for Bilqis' future.

"I don't know. He knows that he just works, thank God he has one child," said Ummi Kalsum in the Tanjung Duren area, West Jakarta, Tuesday, December 10.

He explained that Ayu's work was handed over to her. Not infrequently Ayu had to ask her mother for money first.

"He needs it. For example, he asked for Rp. 500 thousand, we gave a million to be sent home again Rp. 500 thousand," explained Ummi Kalsum.

Later the money that has been requested will be saved by Ayu Ting Ting to be given to people who have helped her.

"No. Make it left in your wallet. But if it's a big person, the team team is the assistant. The important thing is that there is money to give anyone," explained Ummi Kalsum.

Ummi explained that she deliberately holds the money from her daughter's work as a form of savings for her grandson, Bilqis Khumairah Razak.

"But you hold the money, it's also for Bilqis' future," he added.

This is a form of precaution for Ayu Ting Ting if there is an unwanted incident. Luckily, Ayu was able to understand this.

"Alhamdulillah, his son already understands because we also don't know what life will be like, so we have to be ready from now on," he said.

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