YOGYAKARTA - The position of the baby is a concern for pregnant women. This condition has the potential to increase the risk of complications during the delivery process. Therefore, women who are pregnant should know the sleeping position so that the baby does not become paralyzed.
The baby is in a position when the baby's head is above the uterus and the feet are below, even though the pregnancy period has passed 36 weeks. Within the gestational age of 32-26 weeks, normally the baby is in a ready-to-be position. But sometimes the baby's position turns into a tussang with the feet below.
As long as the baby is still in the womb, pregnant women can prevent the baby from remaining in the ideal position until delivery arrives. So what is the sleeping position like so that the baby does not have to be paralyzed which must be applied by pregnant women?
The baby is a condition where the baby's feet or buttocks are lower than the head, so the part will come out first during the delivery process.
Ideally, the baby's head should be in a lower position so that it comes out first than the buttocks. If this tussang position lasts up to 37 weeks of pregnancy, it will usually increase the risk of complications when giving birth normally.
If the size of the baby's buttocks is greater than the diameter of the mother's pelvic bone, the delivery process can be hampered. This is due to the difficult buttocks to remove while the head is still inside, so the baby can have difficulty breathing.
To prevent the baby from being in a supine position, it is recommended for pregnant women to sleep tilted to the left. This position provides wider space for the baby to move and change its position, thus helping to prevent the sole position.
In addition, oblique sleep to the left is also considered the best position during pregnancy because it helps smooth blood flow to the uterus. In this position, nutrition and oxygen for babies can be well supplied. This position also helps reduce pressure on the liver and kidneys, so as to minimize swelling during pregnancy.
Not only comfortable, a tilted sleep to the left makes the pelvis more open and provides additional space for the baby to move to a normal position. To make it more comfortable, pregnant women can use pillows between the two knees.
Although oblique sleep to the left is highly recommended, occasionally changing sleeping to the right is still allowed. But you should avoid sleeping on your back because it can inhibit blood flow to your heart and fetus. This position risks causing back pain and the risk of giving birth to a baby with a low weight.
In addition to sleeping positions such as the method above, pregnant women can also apply several steps so that the baby is not stimulated. Here are tips on stimulating the baby's movement to be in a normal position:
Those are the sleeping position tips so that the baby does not sersang during pregnancy to childbirth. Apply the steps above so that the baby can be born smoothly and pregnant women do not experience problems during childbirth. Also read tips for giving birth at the age of 37 weeks.
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