
YOGYAKARTA There are a lot of rafting tours in Yogyakarta that you can visit during holidays. In addition, the rafting tour in the Student City provides an beautiful atmosphere that triggers adrenaline.

There is no need to hesitate if you want to go on a raft tour in Yogyakarta because apart from being affordable, there is no need to doubt the safety factor because it is monitored by professionals.

Seram arung tourism spread across Jogja is easy to reach. In addition, the available options are also varied because the locations are in various districts ranging from Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, to Gunungkidul. The following are some of the fresh arung tours that can be visited.

Elo River is a river located in Muntilan-Magelang, Central Java. The location is not that far from the city centers of Yogyakarta and Borobudur Temples. Arung Jeram in this river is quite exciting because the high level of flow is including medium so it is suitable for beginners.

Tourists can also pour water on the Elo River in all seasons, including the dry season. However, it is advisable not to rush during the heavy rainy season so that safety is maintained.

The Oyo River is a river in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The flow of the Oyo River is quite heavy, surrounded by beautiful hills and beautiful scenery. You can visit this river with a visit to Goa Pindul because the location of the two is close together.

One of the activities that are mostly carried out in this river is rafting. You can choose to use a rubber boat or body rafting using rubber tires.

The location of the floodwaters in the Sedayu river can be an option for those of you who want to play with water. The location is not far from the city center, namely Surobayan, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta. There are two river lanes that can be chosen with a distance of 900 meters and 1.2 km.

In this place you can also choose a river tubing. Usually the packages offered as well as friendly and provesional guides. Visitors will receive facilities in the form of borrowing helmets, rubber shoes, toilets, food stalls, prayer rooms, and storing goods.

The Progo River is one of the largest rivers in Yogyakarta. This river is used for various purposes including tourism. If you want to water the Progo River, you can choose the Upper Progo River and the bottom Progo River. Each presents the same beautiful scenery.

However, if rafting participants are still beginners, it is recommended to choose the Upper Progo River because it is not too long and is not too heavy so it is very suitable for beginners and children

There are many tourist spots in the bottom of the Progo River, one of which is on the Klangon Bridge, Kalibawang.

The character of the river flow in this spot is dynamic, with a water discharge that is quite heavy, so it is recommended only for professionals and adults.

The duration of the floodwaters in the lower Progo River is quite long, which is about 3.5 hours with a length of approximately 20 km.

Untuk biaya wisata arung jeram di Jogja dan sekitarnya cukup bervari. Dikutip dari situs jogjaprov, biaya yang dibutuhkan mulai dari Rp500,000 hingga Rp1.600.000. Untuk mendapatkan informasi menarik lainnya kunjungi VOI.ID untuk mendapatkan informasi menarik lainnya.

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