JAKARTA - Not long ago Fuji caught the attention of his fans because of his dress style which was considered rare. Where Fuji was seen locking his hair without wearing his bangs.
It is known that this is rarely done by Fuji because he feels insecure about his forehead which he considers too 'wide. Seeing this, many Fuji fans commented on his hairstyle.
"No, I'm still looking at your forehead," said one netizen, quoted by VOI from Fuji's Instagram story, Friday, November 17.
"It's really wide," continued another netizen.
"Jidadnya bisa main golf ya jii," timpal warganet lain.
Seeing this, Fuji said that he would only do this once a year. In addition, he said that his fans had asked him to show his forehead.
"YEUU. dah ah ni jidat comes out once a year!," said Fuji
"I'VE SAID IT! You guys are stubborn to want to see my forehead. Trauma, right?
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