
JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from actress Fujianti Utami alias Fuji who experienced pickpocketing while on vacation in Europe. This was conveyed directly by Fuji through his Instagram account.

Fuji said that initially he was usually taking some photo content to upload, then he left his bag with one of the people known as Luci.

Unexpectedly when he was about to change places by bus, Fuji just realized that one of his bags containing passports and cellphones was missing somewhere.

"So after that, we want to get to the bus, it's crowded, so there's just a bag that's gone, panicked, it's super duper panicked, my face immediately changed like my bag, then immediately like 'Lus, my passport where's Lus?' The passport is here, it's really nervous," said Fuji, quoted by VOI from the Instagram account @fuji_an, Saturday, November 11.

Fortunately, there is one of the police who knows this, especially since pickpocketing cases often occur in European countries. Fuji, who panicked, was immediately helped to see CCTV during the pickpocketing incident.

"Then he said, 'we have arrested one person', so there are three people, they cooperate and they show their CCTV, like, 'This is your bag', after that we have been waiting while wondering what is in the bag, I explained that there is a passport, there is a cellphone, there is a check-up, there is something else I forgot but if I'm not wrong with the money, 'continued Fuji.

After 30 minutes of waiting worried, Fuji's bag was finally able to return. But unfortunately one of Fuji's work cellphones is no longer in the bag.

"Come in the end, it's about 20 or 30 minutes or come. I'm really happy, I'm really happy, I'm open, yes, this (mobile phone) doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, but Alhamdulillah, I'm very happy, I'm very grateful, I'm very grateful, this (passport) when I'm there, please calm down, you know," he explained.

It didn't take long for the police to return to Fuji and hand over his work cellphone to him. This makes Fuji very grateful because he is still given a fortune.

"The important thing is that there is another cellphone, it is very important because my work cellphone, guys, is really me, of course the videos, the photos are all kinds of depending here. Then they come back again around 10 to 15 minutes from when they come again, he said. meet me, I haven't met you yet," continued Fuji.

"They came again to give this but when it came, it's like in this, there's only a case. Yes, we've been waiting for it again and finally this cellphone was brought back again, thank you very much, God, thank you very much," he concluded.

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