YOGYAKARTA Food can cause an uncomfortable stomach to a disturbing pain. But to deal with stomach pain that interferes with food activities can also help. So how to relieve pain in the stomach? Family medicine doctor, Matthew Goldman, MD., provides five tips to address this complaint.
According to research, ginger is effective in easing nausea and vomiting. What's more, ginger has an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-ulcus effect. Launching Cleveland Clinic, Sunday, November 5, adding ginger to the food is easy and can deal with stomach pain. You can use fresh ginger, dry, or powder and add it to your dish. In addition, ginger can also be eaten in the form of brews or drinks in the form of tea. But keep in mind, a little ginger consumption is enough.
"It's important to realize that many commercial ginger drinks circulating in the market today may not actually contain a lot of real ginger, and in some cases, it may not contain ginger at all," explains Dr. Goldman.
For this reason, it is better not to rely on packaged ginger drinks. It is better to process fresh ginger so that its properties are maximized and effective in treating stomach pain that interferes with activities.
When the stomach feels bad, look for low-fat foods, a little bland, and a little salty. Eating salted bicyut or crackers in small portions will probably get the best results. This type of food, shown to have certain benefits. First, absorbing Some of the acids that cause irritation when the stomach is empty. Second, preventing the release of more stomach acid. Third, it is unlikely to trigger nausea because it does not smell. Fourth, contains salt to help replace the missing electrolyte.
In addition to salted biscuits or crackers, you can also eat bananas, apple sauce, yogurt, clear soup, boiled potatoes or vegetables, noodles, rice, wheat roast bread, and wheat.
It is enough to get important fluids when you have a stomachache, especially to replace fluids that are lost due to vomiting or diarrhea. So, choose just a little water but drink electrolyte liquids that contain minerals such as potassium and magnesium.
There is evidence that patients with stomach pain feel worse after eating certain foods. This food not only produces gas but can also increase nausea, bloating, vomiting and/or diarrhea," explained doctor Goldman.
Goldman recommends, avoid spicy or smells like pizza. Also avoid high-fat foods such as fried chicken, sausages, chicken, and roast beef. Drinks are acidic, such as coffee, orange juice, tomato juice, and alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Moreover, soda drinks and high- sugar and carbonated sports.
Give the body a few days to recover from stomach problems. If caused by the virus, the virus will infect by itself.. Likewise stomach pain due to stress, motional motional motion, or because of certain food consumption. Because the symptoms of pain you feel will also pass while you have received first aid.
The length of stomach pain recovery can vary widely depending on the causes and severity of the discomfort. In many cases, mild stomach pain caused by an unwise diet or temporary digestive disorders can disappear in a few hours to a day, "explained Dr. Goldman.
However, if stomach pain continues, severe, or accompanied by other worrying symptoms, it is important to consult with health care providers to get the right diagnosis and recovery guidance.
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