
JAKARTA - Not long ago, the dancer Zaskia Gotik was seen uploading a photo of the house which he was known to be selling for Rp. 750 million. This house is located in the Cikarang area, West Java.

However, on one occasion, the woman who is familiarly called 'Eneng' said that the house was not her private home. The house is the house of her sister who does live in the Cikarang area.

"To sell the house, it's my sister's house. Coincidentally, my sister actually lives behind my mother's house, in Cikarang," explained Zaskia Gotik in the Jakarta area, Tuesday, October 17.

The singer of the song 'Goyang Itik' explained the reason the house was sold was because her sister wanted to move home to Bandung. Therefore, Zaskia helped sell the house.

"Well, he wants to move to Bandung, he wants to live in Bandung. So ask for help with selling. Yes, it's been sold here, hopefully it will sell quickly," explained Zaskia Gotik.

Seeing the news related to her husband and said she was bankrupt, the mother of one child only asked for good prayers.

"Yes (said) what kind of bankruptcy is this, that means just good prayers. Don't pray for the bad, because if you don't pray for it well, I'm afraid it will come back to us again," said Zaskia Gotik.

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