
YOGYAKARTA It seems that Naysilla Mirdad's outfit is unique, especially when it is worn to enjoy the area around the waterfall. Through uploading a social media portrait, Nay, wearing a black dress. This color is quite contrasted, but it invites netizen praise. The following is a portrait of Naysilla Mirdad dressed femininely for a photo session at the Madakarkapura waterfall, Probolinggo, East Java.

The portrait above shows a sleeved balloon in a black dress that Nay wears. Her hair is tied in a medium like an angel as praise from netizens who fill in the comments column for social media uploads of verified Instagram accounts @naymirdad.

Write a netizen's comment, 'Ka'nay is like an angel of heaven'. Sure enough, the beauty of the scenery around the waterfall is equivalent to Nay's beauty which is recognized by his followers on social media. Other netizens also pray, 'cococok, if you have multiple prepaid photos. We pray for aj, I hope you get married, sis... amen'.

In one series of uploads, Nay also captures the situation around the waterfall. Judging from the camera's eyes, two people walked in green and blue raincoats. Water droplets were also attached to the camera's eyes.

With the introductory sentence 'Two papas in a pod', the above portrait is uploaded. Together with her mother, Lydia Kandou, Nay took a photo wearing a pink raincoat. The lifting of the hand indicates a 'peace' with a style like a little girl shyly photographed.

Launching the Kemenparekraf page, it is said that the Madakarkapura waterfall, where Nay took the photo, became a place called Patih Gadjah Mada for the last time before Moksa. This myth is also a reference in calling Madakarkapura. Mada as a part of Gadjah Mada, kari means demonstration', and temple is a place of worship or medical.

To get to the location of the waterfall, tourists must track first. Cliff where the water slides from above is 200 meters high. Due to its high level, this waterfall is among the highest on the island of Java.

Although Naysilla Mirdad's outfit is not flexible to wear to outdoor activities, her appearance looks perfect. Her sweet smile, making a photo of Nana Mirdad's sister who likes diving, steals the focus of netizens.

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