Easy Fragile, Do These 14 Things To Strengthen Your Kuku Texture
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)


JAKARTA - Performing nail treatment so that you don't break frequently requires a combination of proper care, balanced diet, and protection. Here are some effective strategies that you can do every day, reported by the Times of India page, Tuesday, October 17.

Keeping the body hydrated

One of the most overlooked aspects of nail health is hydration. Oxidized nails are more susceptible to fractures. Make sure to drink enough water every day to keep your nails hydrated from the inside.

Eat balanced nutrition

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for the health of nails. Combine high-food biotins (such as eggs, nuts, and avocados), protein (fatless meat, fish, pods, and omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, hemps, and walnuts) to get strong and flexible nails.

Avoid Hard Chemicals

Household cleaners, nail polish removers, and even some nail polish can contain hard chemicals that weaken nails. Choose to remove acetone-free nail polish and choose a nail product with fewer harmful chemicals.

Keep Kuku Short And Good Form

Long nails are more prone to fractures. Cut your nails to a length that can be arranged and cycle regularly to keep the edge smooth. Avoid using metal files because it can cause further damage.

Use The Residential Reservoir

Apply hand creams and nails rich in nutrients moisturize regularly to keep your nails and cumicles moist. Dry nails tend to become fragile and broken.

Use Gloves For Protection

When doing activities involving water, chemicals, or physical pressure, such as washing dishes, gardening, or cleaning, wear protective gloves. This protects your nails from potential damage.

Avoid Biting Nails

Biting nails will weaken nails and can cause deviation and damage. Try using nail polish that tastes bitter to prevent this habit or straighten nails regularly so that there is no longer any reason to bite long nails.

Be Careful With Your Nails

Avoid using nails as a tool to perform tasks such as opening a package or sweeping the surface. Use your finger pad instead.

Choose A Nail Booster

Consider using nail amplifiers or clear nail polish that has additional reinforcing properties. These products often contain materials such as keratin, biotin, or calcium to strengthen nails.

Rest Your Nails

If you often use nail polish or use fake nails, stroke on the sidelines of that time so that your natural nails can breathe and regenerate. The excessive use of nail products can weaken nails over time.

Train Good Nail Health

Clean your nails regularly with a soft brush or orange stem, be careful not to damage the citcula. Avoid pushing the quarticula aggressively because it can cause infection.

Consider Food Supplements

If your diet lacks essential nutrition, consider taking supplements such as biotins, folic acids, and omega-3 fatty acids, which can increase healthy nail growth.

Manage Stress

Organic stress can have a negative impact on nail health. Train stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to improve overall health, which will be reflected in your nails.

Visit Professionals

If your nails continue to break even though you have tried hard, consult a dermatologist or a health expert. This could be a sign of a basic health problem that needs attention.

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