
YOGYAKARTA Every couple needs emotional closeness. Emotional closeness is built not only based on love but also openness and mutual respect for each other. Without emotional closeness, it will have a negative effect as follows.

If your partner maintains a distance, emotional closeness will not automatically wake up. Most likely, you or your partner don't feel happy. The longer an emotional distance occurs, the more damaging the relationship will be.

Because you are emotionally close, you and your partner can open up to each other. But on the other hand, open up will not occur without emotional closeness and make you and your partner reluctant to communicate honestly. You and your partner seem to have a separate life so that they are no longer a solid team in establishing a household back.

Emotional closeness also makes you comfortable with your partner. If one of you or your partner is uncomfortable when together, one of the reasons is because they are emotionally distant. You even prefer to enjoy your own time without a partner.

Not a few couples feel lonely even though there is a partner next to them, reported by LovePanky, Friday, October 13. This is a sign that you and your partner are emotionally apart. You or your partner, cannot complete each other or fill each other so that the relationship is fun.

Ideally, in a coupled life, two people are committed to being supportive or supporting each other. That way, you or your partner have enough confidence. On the other hand, emotional distance, makes you or your partner doubt yourself. In this situation, maybe everyone will feel like they have a burden to bear alone and doubt everything they do.

Relationships are not easy, but also shouldn't feel like an endless battle. If your partner is closed, you feel you don't have a connection, then you'll feel stressed because you're not sure what's going on.

Instead of sharing your feelings with you, your partner actually closes you off. This makes you feel more worried about your relationship and starts to worry about negative things. This is enough to put pressure on you, so it's important to restore emotional closeness with your partner.

Asertive communication is important in relationships. Because of the open communication pattern of what is needed and how to get it becomes the basis of harmonious relationships. Without assertive communication due to emotional distance, you and your partner can blame each other.

Those are eight bad effects of the absence of emotional closeness with your partner. If you experience it, it is important to immediately realize it and identify the trigger. That way, you and your partner can build an agreement to improve relationships as expected in the future.

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