
YOGYAKARTA Age has indeed increased every year, but in psychological conditions, a person can feel younger than his age. Subjective age, is how old you feel, according to cognitive scientists at the University of Texas, Art Markman, Ph.D. When you are 45 years old, a person may feel much younger. Psychologist calls it subjective age and tends to do healthy behavior.

If you feel younger than age, the chances of maintaining health are greater. Because you will consider a healthy diet, regular exercise, and socializing around the clock. This means that feeling younger mostly affects positive things. According to exploration in Markus Wettstein's Psychological journal, Hans-Wener Wahl, totaling Drewelelies, Suanne Wurm, Oliver Huxhold, Nilam Ram, and Denis Gerstorf, there is a general tendency for people over 40 to feel younger than their true age. On average, people feel 11 percent younger than their real age. Like a 45-year-old person feels like he is about 40 years old.

According to research that looked at long-term research data and conducted in Germany from 1996. In the following years, researchers included different age ranges and more people in different eras. The tendency to feel younger, greater in women than in men. In addition, several other factors increase the gap between the felt age and the true age. Two factors that play a role, reported by Psychology Today, Monday 9 October, are higher levels of education and good health conditions. The opposite impact, which makes a person feel older than his age, is loneliness.

Interesting findings about the gap between subjective age and real age, small people are felt by people born between 1936 and 1951. The post-age, or people born after 1952, has the greatest gap. However, it is not clear what caused this difference.

Markman tells the story of his grandparents who were born in the 1915s. In the 50s, both of them retired, to be precise in the 1970s. His main daily activities are walking by the sea. Unlike the older Markman, he felt young and was able to take part in a running of half a marathon with 200 others in his 50s. According to him, as closing, the culture encourages people to continue to be active and engage in activities that are mostly intended for the younger generation of the previous generation. That's why, the factors described above, affect why a person tends to feel younger than his age.

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