
JAKARTA - The happiness is being felt by actress Jessica Mila, who is currently pregnant with her first child with her husband, Yakup Hasibuan. This happy news was announced directly by the two of them through their respective Instagram accounts.

On one occasion, Jessica shared the condition of her pregnancy which had entered the 4th month. Where during the first trimester of Jesmil, her nickname experienced quite strong vomiting.

"It's been 4 months. So actually before this date, ma'am, right? First trimester I'm still like really vomiting. So, maybe the condition won't be like it is now," said Jessica Mila in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 2.

Seeing this, this 31-year-old woman said she was just trying to enjoy every process. However, it is still accompanied by sufficient rest.

"I think it's something natural to experience with everyone who is pregnant, just accept it. Have a lot of rest," he continued.

Wanting to give the best for his first child, every preparation has been made by him as a future mother. One of the things that is done is reading a lot of books and looking for information to experienced relatives.

"What, just read the most books. So you still have to look for a lot of information," he said.

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