
YOGYAKARTA Toxic people often make it difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize each other so that they can correct and improve their behavior. In addition, you can be drained of energy when with those who have toxic behavior. There are seven types of toxic people that you may need to identify. Here's a list and explanation.

Orang yang mengansis dalam percakapan, sering menganggu Anda ketika dalam chat. Orang yang parisisisik suka berbicara tentang diri mereka sendiri. Mereka tidak bertanya apa pun kepada Anda. Dalam hubungan, orang-orang parissis akan menjadi egois dan tidak akan pernah memperhatikan kebutuhan Anda.

The second type of toxic person, he is someone who wants to control everything and everyone around the clock. They want to take responsibility for what you do, what you say, even what you think. In a relationship, a restraintr will not give you room to breathe and constantly scold you until it is completely in harmony with it.

Called an emotional 'vampir' because they always say sad, negative, and pessimistic. Those with this type, can never see the positive side of every situation. If he is with someone, he only says bad things and may not get better.

Some people are poisonous, they are always drama. One thing is right, everything is always wrong. When one problem is solved, new problems grow. Not only that, they always complain and don't seem to want to fix anything.

A hunter and like to judge is also a toxic type of person. Launching Science of People, Monday, October 2, jealous people are very toxic because they hate themselves so much that they can't be happy for anyone around them. Usually, their jealousy arises in the form of judgment, criticism, or gossip. According to them, all people are ugly, not cool, or less in several ways. If someone starts to hate you because they are jealous of other people, be careful, he may be a toxic person.

Being friends or having sex with a liar, it will be very tiring. Because even if you lie small, it can affect the level of trust in the relationship. Dishonesty, can drain you, especially if it is done continuously.

A toxic person who puts himself first considers himself to be always right. They don't consider other people's feelings or ideas. In a relationship, this is called arrogant people. This is because they often think of themselves as the coolest person in the room so they view every conversation and people as a challenge that must be won. Those who are toxic rarely see others as equal.

The above is a type of toxic person who often makes it difficult in relationships. Both in employment, as well as in romantic relationships.

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