
JAKARTA - Hysistic harassment is usually used to refer to certain psychological manipulation patterns where a partner with eccentric personality disorders (NPD) tries to control his partner in a confusing and underestimated way.

This violence could overlap with other violence that is often carried out in the household, but generally also includes the following characteristics:

Narcistic anger, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse. This is often used to create dependencies. People with eccentric personalities may commit demeaning actions designed to underestimate and control their partners and prevent them from leaving. They may vent their anger in response to underestimated assumptions, thus making your partner afraid to express themselves and don't want to act rashly.

Jealousy. People with eccentric personalities, in a romantic relationship will deliberately create a love triangle in order to make their partner jealous. A 2017 study shows the existence of a relationship between jealousy induction and eccentric traits. This tactics can be used to gain power and control in the relationship.

Dangerous jealousy. NPD sufferers tend to be jealous of others. 2016 reviews attributeaxisic and psychopathic traits to evil envy, including sabotage behavior designed to disrupt the progress and success of their partner.

Love bombs are suddenly followed by devaluations. Love bombs or love bombings can cover a period of silence months'' consisting of persistent contacts and insults as well as excessive praise used to make couples trust them. Because photosic couples often wear fake masks so far, couples may not realize their true intentions. This behavior can then suddenly change from smearing to demeaning.

Gaslighting is chronic. This tactic can be used to change a person's awareness of reality and cast doubt on his perceptions, memories, and emotions. Gaslighting can lead critics to doubt their own experiences and prevent them from identifying what they are experiencing as harassment.

Strengthening the intermittent. This includes an alternating heat and cold behavior in relationships to drive trauma bonds. Traumatized bonds are the growing entanglement of violent and unpredictable nature of relationships. Usually involves a power imbalance. People with NPD may talk sweetly to you today, then demean you without feelings the next day.

Stonewalling and silent treatment. This behavior is used to close talks about accountability and condition their partner to seek approval from them.

In addition to this tactic, someone who is in a relationship with an NPD sufferer may survive other types of harassment such as financial, physical, or even sexual harassment.

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