YOGYAKARTA Bereh or sereh has been widely used as a natural medicine to overcome digestive problems, nerve problems, and high blood pressure. In addition, sereh is also reported to be antibacterial and anti-famur. If people used to be, traditionally, make bereh into tea mixed with ginger, and honey. These are the benefits to relieve pain and fever. There is an imagel compound in freshness, this compound also gives an anti-inflammatory effect.
In one ounce of serai, contains calories (30), protein (1 gram), does not contain fats, and carbohydrates (7 grams). Sore also contains iron, calcium, vitamin C. This iron is an important component of hemogrolines. The potential health benefits of sereh, among them as follows:
Sureh contains quercetin, this content includes flavonoids that are known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Quercetin reduces inflammation that inhibits cancer growth and prevents heart disease.
Sereh is used in Africa as a treatment for heart disease, reported by WebMD, Friday, September 15. A study conducted seven-day seray extract treatment on mice. The results of the study found that it was pleasing to reduce high cholesterol levels significantly.
The series is also processed into essential oils that show the effect of removing mold and inflammation when applied. The researchers tested the application of cereh oil topically on fungal infections and skin inflammation conditions in mice. Although this drug promises potential effectiveness, further research needs to be done.
E. Coli bacterial infections can cause food poisoning if you eat contaminated foods. This can also lead to urinary tract infections and pneumonia. A study found that cold extract can reduce the toxicity of E. Colii culture and can help treat bacterial infections in digestive tracts.
Bereh is effective in treating health problems as mentioned above. However, it is better to consult a doctor before you consume regular extracts along with medication that you have to drink daily. Pregnant women also need to avoid drinking lemongrass tea to maintain the safety of the womb.
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