Anyang-yangan More Than 3 Days: Here's The Cause And How To Handle It
Anyang-Anyangan Lebih Dari 3 Hari (Pitra Nik - Unsplash)


YOGYAKARTA - Anyang-anyangan for more than 3 days can be felt by anyone, be it children to adults.

Anyang-anyangan adalah permasalahan kerap urinasi yang tidak tuntas.

So, you feel like you want to urinate, but when you urinate, the urine that is issued is very small or even not coming out at all.

If left alone, this anyang-anyangan can continue to become severe and cause quite serious health problems.

Because it can be anangan- anyangan that you experience are signs of a certain disease, one of which is urinary tract infection.

Then, is Anyang- Anyangan more than 3 days natural? Come on, look!

Anyang-anyangan can last for one day or more. Naturally, the anyang-ningan will last only 1-2 days.

However, if the anyang-cangan is more than 3 days, it can have bad results in the health of the body.

In a journal published by the National Library of Medicine, it is explained that when those of you are more than 3 days old, you will feel pain, heat, until you face cases that are radically serious about the coaching system.

Indications are very common when you face anyang-anyangan, namely increasing the will to urinate, but a little urine is issued.

If the target is more than 3 days, there will definitely be other indications, such as:

1. Strong-smelling Urine

2. Urine is cloudy

3. Blood on urine

4. Feels painful when urinating

5. Fever

6. Easy to feel tired

7. Often feel back pain

Penggger anyang- anyangan lebih dari 3 hari dapat karena banyak hal.

The majority of those related to the lifestyle are not healthy and the diet is not good.

However, not only these two things, there are some triggers for anang- anyangan for more than 3 days, namely:

Prostate Infection In Men

One of the triggers of the anyang- Anyangan is the formation of prostate infection in men.

This situation can cause chronic infections that make you feel uncomfortable in the urinary tract.

In men, the anyang- anganan for more than 3 days can also cause difficulty from ejaculation to pain at the time of ejaculation.

Infection Or Irritation In The Verbal Area

In women, anyang- anyangan can be caused by the formation of inflammation or irritation in the Miss V zone. Miss V inflammation or known as vaginosis.

This inflammation lasts when there is the development of excess germs in the Miss V zone and causes anang-anyangan for a long time.

Kidney Stone

One of the triggers for the anyang-theangan which is very common takes place is not only infection, namely kidney stone disease.

Kidney rock can result in you facing anyang-anyangan due to the formation of inflammation in the kidneys which has an impact on damage to the economic system.

Not only these three things, there are still some triggers from anyang- anyangan for more than 3 days, namely:

1. Kista ovaries

2. Interstitial cystitis

3. Experiencing chemical sensitivity

4. bladder cancer

5. Is undergoing treatment

Actions To Take

· Drink lots of water

· Warm water bath

· Wear Loose Underwear

· Drink pain relievers

· Avoid Caffein And Alcohol Consumption

· Don't Hold Back And Always Peek Until It's Complete

So after knowing which people are more than 3 days old, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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