
JAKARTA - Fujianti Utami Putri or known as Fuji An is back at the West Jakarta Police, today, September 7. Fuji's arrival was accompanied by his attorney Sandy Arifin.

Fuji explained that he reported on his own accordance and supported by his parents. In addition, he said that he was not the only victim of fraud by his former manager.

"It's not an insistence, but from him himself and his parents also support it. Because there are some who have been harmed and some have complained too," said Sandy Arifin at the West Jakarta Police, Thursday, September 7.

"And there are some of my friends who seem to have been hit too. So I feel that for example I let it be afraid to take another victim," Fuji continued.

As a result of the actions of his former manager, Fuji admitted that his good name had been damaged. Many brands feel he is no longer responsible for his work.

"My name is bad in various brands and agencies because I think I am not responsible for my work. Even I don't even know where to pay for it. So I misunderstood the brand,"

In this case, Fuji officially ensnared his former manager with articles 374 and 372 or articles of embezzlement.

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