
YOGYAKARTA Everyone has a beneficial nature for pair life. Not just handsomeness or beauty when smiling. But according to evolutionary theory, there are properties that facilitate goals including establishing partnerships, related to reproductive results, or better survival.

According to research, favorable properties in pairwise relationships are called magnetic properties. Research in 2021 by Greek researchers, using a multistep process aimed at identifying the magnetic properties possessed by some people associated with long-term relationships.

Analysis of the results of structured interviews in 20 people and open surveys of nearly 200 people produced 75 different traits. Furthermore, nearly 1,200 participants who are in a relationship assess the characteristics of the couple, show the quality of the relationship, and report information about how difficult it is to maintain a relationship. The results of all the analyses show 11 magnetic qualities that support stability of the relationship, according to the explanation of Theresa E. DiDonato, Ph.D., here's the list.

More than any other factor, having a partner you think is trustworthy is a magnetic force that perpetuates relationships. In a long-term relationship, this trait helps maintain relationships to develop in the future.

People hope their relationship will last a long time if their partner commits to taking care of them, saving time, and in all respects showing true commitment. This is something we cannot know about other people until we have a relationship with them. However, this is a magnetic quality when a relationship is ongoing.

Does your partner have a good sense of humor? Are they smart and imaginative? The magnetic nature of a person you want to maintain is a key factor in predicting a relationship's longevity.

Love and interest from each other are useful for a love relationship. When a partner is able to show a romantic and sensitive side, it can support long-term relationships.

Couple relationships don't go hand in hand. Having a harmonious partner with those closest to you, is also important. That way, your partner and you have the quality of a magnetis that can foster a stable relationship.

For those of you who have just been committed, it may be difficult to feel the nature of this 6th magnetist. This magnetic trait can only be felt when you and your partner have been in a relationship for a while. Even so, helping each other at home can make significant differences.

"Sex life is a part of a long-term married life. Having healthy and satisfying sex can support relationship stability, explained DiDonato as quoted by Psychology Today, Sunday, September 3. This is an interesting quality when finding a partner can make them sexually satisfied and feel arousal that can maintain sexual interest.

In a sustainable relationship, positivity is a magnet that supports stability. Having positive, confident, dynamic, and cheerful traits, shows quality and lasting relationships.

Living a difficult life is alwaysarsy, complaining, difficult to compromise, and always wanting to get what you want. It's important to know, people who have the skills to compromise, are easier to be with others. This means that they have a magnetic nature and keep the relationship lasting.

When you and your partner share the same interests and goals, enthusiasm will be high to reflect compatibility. It also marks that you and your partner share interests, are more harmonious with each other, and have a magnetic factor to maintain a shared relationship.

Economy is not the main measure, but the economy creates a sustainable appeal. In practice, you and your partner have income and economic stability that can support the continuity of the relationship. That way, relationships are more lasting and not easily cracked due to financial problems.

Those are the eleven magnetic properties that perpetuate a pairwise relationship. It may look simple, although it's not the only guarantee to maintain the continuity of the relationship, everyone in pairs needs to improve the stability of relationships with positive properties.

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