YOGYAKARTA - Women who are pregnant need to maintain and pay attention to their health so that their pregnancy period can run smoothly until delivery time. One of the problems that can occur in women who are pregnant is pregnancy complications. There are several complications in pregnancy that are common for women.
Complication of pregnancy is a health problem that occurs in a series of trimester of pregnancy. This health disorder can occur in pregnant women and the fetus they contain, which can lead to a fatal fate. Complications of pregnancy can be caused by a number of conditions that are before pregnancy or when they are pregnant.
Every couple, especially women, certainly wants to have a good pregnancy without problems. Therefore, you and your partner need to know what are the complications of pregnancy and the risks that cause the potential for experiencing these problems.
There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of pregnancy complications in women. Here are some of the causes that make the potential for pregnancy complications when a woman is pregnant.
To anticipate various problems that may occur during pregnancy, women need to know what complications are in pregnancy. Here are some complications of pregnancy, causes, and symptoms.
About 25'40% of pregnant women experience bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy. This bleeding may result from the inherent condition of eggs that have been seeded on the uterine wall. However, this bleeding can be a severe complication during pregnancy, as in cases of ectopic pregnancy.
This condition occurs when bleeding accompanied by severe pain or stomach cramps, as well as bleeding that comes out a lot through the vagina. If bleeding occurs during pregnancy, it is important not to underestimate it even if there are only a few bloodstains.
Miscarriage can be called the condition of the deceased fetus before reaching the gestational age of 20 weeks. This condition can be indicated by bleeding through the vagina, strong stomach cramps, weakness, and sometimes pregnant women experience fever. Most of these pregnancy problems occur due to chromodynamic disorders or genetic factors that interfere with fetal growth.
Miscarriage can also be caused by factors such as hormonal disorders, uterine disorders, cervical weaknesses, autoimmune disorders, alcohol consumption, smoking, excessive fatigue. The risk of miscarriage tends to be higher in pregnant women who have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and thyroid problems.
During pregnancy, the body needs iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid for the formation of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells and plays a role in distributing oxygen throughout the body.
Anemia can be experienced by pregnant women when the body is unable to produce enough hemoglobin. Anemia during pregnancy is usually characterized by pale skin, fatigue, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and shortness of breath. Anemia is a serious problem, because if not handled properly it can cause premature birth, low weight babies, and birth defects.
The hyperemesis of gravidarum can be said to be similar to morning sickness. However, health problems during pregnancy cause more severe symptoms. When experiencing gravidarum hyperemesis, nausea and vomiting tend to last longer and can even reach the second or third trimester.
Complaints caused by the hyperemesis of gravidarum are also more severe, can cause dehydration in pregnant women and difficulty eating or drinking. When experiencing severe nausea and vomiting, the risk of dehydration and malnutrition for the fetus can increase.
Servical incompetency is one of the health problems that can arise during the final phase of the second trimester of pregnancy. Servical incompection occurs when the cervical is too weak in restraining pressure from the increasingly expanding uterus during pregnancy.
The increasing pressure from this uterus slowly reduces the thickness and strength of the cervicals, causing the cervicals to open before reaching the ninth month. This condition can trigger rupture and premature birth. Signs and symptoms of servical incompetension that often appear and need to be watched out for include discomfort in the pelvis, abnormal whiteness discharge, and stomach cramps.
Those are some of the complications in pregnancy that can be experienced by women who are pregnant. In addition to the number of health problems above, a number of complications that may also occur are gestational diabetes, ectopic pregnancy, urinary tract infection (ISK), lack of liquid.
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