
JAKARTA - The changing season from summer to rainy season can also cause several skin problems such as acne, oily skin and fungal infections due to high humidity.

The broadcast of the Hindustan Times page, a dermatologist, Cosmetics and Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr. Navinit Haror provides some tips to ensure skin is maintained and maintain skin health during the rainy season.

1. Hydration

During the rainy season, taking care of your skin is very important. Clean twice a day to remove dirt, excess oil, and pollutants. Hydration key with light moisturizer. Maintain a diligent cleaning routine to remove excess oil, dirt, and dirt from your skin. Use a soft cleaning with balanced pH followed by a light toner to keep your pores from being clogged and prevent acne.

2. Regular exfoliation

Exfoliators with natural ingredients help remove dead cells and prevent acne during the rainy season. Exfoliation 1-2 times a week based on the sensitivity of your skin can help. This helps remove dead skin cells and open clogged pores, makes the skin brighter and texture smoother.

3. Use sunscreen

UV light during the rainy season can still penetrate the clouds and can cause problems in the skin. The broad spectral solarscreen with SPF 30 can help.

4. Say no to thick makeup

Choose makeup at least because thick makeup can clog your pores and can cause acne during the rainy season. Let your skin breathe naturally.

5. Stay hydrated and eat properly

It is as important to stay hydrated with water and antioxidant-rich fruits during the rainy season to get healthy skin that exudes beauty. In addition, he also recommends bringing facial tissue or micellar water into your bag to gently clean your face and remove excess oil and sweat while you travel.

This can help you maintain a fresh and glowing appearance. Also avoid touching your face because it can move dirt and bacteria from your hands to your skin, which causes acne and infection.

To avoid irritation of the skin, Navit also recommends wearing clothes made of linen or cotton so that the skin can breathe and can absorb sweat. Also do a balanced diet and fill vegetables and fruit to provide important nutrients that contribute to the bright skin.

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