
YOGYAKARTA - Like the previous year, President Jokowi wore traditional clothing from the Indonesian Archipelago during the 78th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony. This year, the President is wearing a traditional dress that is usually worn by the kings of Pakubuwono Surakarta Hadiningrat called Ageman Songkok Sikepan Ageng. Bey Machmudin, Deputy for Press, Protocol, and Media for the Presidential Secretariat, said that these clothes were worn by the kings of Pakubuwono during the Enggar Eggar soho Tedhak Loji event, which means the time when the King left the Palace by horse-drawn carriage to see the condition of the subjects/people.

The meaning of Ageman Songkok Sikepan Ageng is very deep. The reason is that when wearing the ageman, the king shows compassion for his subjects or is called turuba. Turuba or going down, is done by distributing money and food.

The philosophical meaning of Ageman Songkok Sikepan Ageng

In Javanese, ageman is a dress and sikepan is a kind of jacket or beskap. President Jokowi also wears a beskap of the same color, black, with a white underlay. Wrapped around the left shoulder gold shawl. A belt with a distinctive pattern wrapped around the waist and wearing black pants and shoes.

Illustration of the meaning of the Ageman Songkok Sikepan Ageng traditional dress worn by President Jokowi

(Source: YouTube Screenshot/Secretariat of the President)

Beskap was originally designed by a Dutchman called beschaafd which means civilized or cultured. Referring to Indonesiabatik, Thursday, August 17, the sikepan is a type of jacket but is covered from the top to the neck, while the back is curved or krowokan. This clothing was initiated by KGPAA Mangkunegara to be transformed into Javanese-style clothing. Currently, the sikepan dress is worn not only at official events but also attire for the groom.

Referring to the Characteristic Clothing of the Kings of Surakarta and Yogyakarta Hadiningrat Period 1755-2005 published in the Journal of Visual Art & Design ITB Vol.2, No.2, 2008, each royal royal ageman wears a set of clothing consisting of a beanie, chopsticks, beskap, slempang, belts, keris and lancingan, batik cloth with machete barong motifs, and slippers.

"Yes, this is actually the strength of our country, Indonesia's strength, namely diversity that can be united. So if we are united, solid, compact, that is Indonesia's great strength," said the Indonesian president who hails from Solo as reported by Antara.

Philosophically, the meaning of the Ageman Songkok Sikepan Ageng as President Jokowi's traditional dress is a matter of being cultured, compassionate, and looking down or leaders who are always down and showing concern for their people.

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