
YOGYAKARTA Based on psychological research on emotions, focuses more on the so-called universal' and underlies happiness, sadness, fear, and surprise. In addition, there are also more complex aspects of emotions that are positive and negative. Well, to become a better human being, the following positive emotions need to be possessed.

A person will feel proud when associating himself with personal achievements or the achievements of loved ones. We also feel proud when there are other people who admire. But according to Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D. director and founder of the Kravis Leadership Institute, although this emotion also has a negative side, which is to make someone arrogant.

This second positive emotion shows sympathy and concern for others. Most of it, when showing concern or compassion for others, is a way of expressing emotions positively.

Gratitude has been studied relatively little to date. This is a positive emotion because research reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, August 17, shows gratitude for being able to provide feedback and greater welfare. Expressing gratitude to others also includes positive emotions that make everyone feel good.

Love is a quite human positive emotion. This emotion also has an emotional component, for example when feeling arousal when in love. But there are so many elements of love that need to be developed to be able to share the same interests and enjoy togetherness with others.

Frightening is a emotion that is triggered when faced with something broad. For example, beautiful scenery. There are some studies that show that scientific thinking, like breakthroughs in science, can be triggered by feelings of admiration.

Hope motivates us to move on and anticipate good things in the future. Although often associated with optimism, hope goes beyond a positive cognitive experience and makes us feel better about the future.

Almost everyone wants joy. Joy or joy is an extreme version of the emotion of happiness. In research, excitement is felt by idol fans or pleasure that is flooded with positive emotions.

Mental peace will be gained when labeling emotions with calm. Research shows calm can reduce stress and anxiety and create feelings of well-being.

We watch comedy movies for entertainment. Entertained, including positive emotions that mark fun moments.

In addition to nine positive emotions that make a person a better human being, the sensation of being impressed or respecting others is also a pleasant contemplative moment.

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