
YOGYAKARTA Acne in babies can be caused by many factors. But this is a common condition experienced by young babies. Baby care is a term for skin condition as a lump red or white on their skin. Usually, baby acne recovers by itself within a few weeks.

Acne in babies is known as neonal sefalic pustulosis, or neonatal acne. According to the head of the dermatology of children and adolescents, Lawrence Zapenfield, MD., punah lumps are technically not the same as acne. But both come in the same way or are called acne.

"The neon acne is mostly on the face, but it can appear on the skin of the head and sometimes on the chest and back," says Dr. Zackenfield. He also added that acne may appear in the first few weeks of the baby's life.

The type of acne in a baby is similar to acne in a teenager or young adult. The appearance is not only on the face. But also in several other parts of the body. It also grows slowly and needs to be treated calmly.

Illustration of acne in babies (Freepik / Racool_studio)

neonatal acne usually appears as a small white pustula or small acne surrounded by redness and swelling, explained the director of the pediatric at the Atria Institute, Kelly Fedin, MD. reported by Parents, Tuesday, August 15.

Unlike acne inflatile, which looks more than an ordinary acne. This type of acne can be closed or open, such as a light to severe white comodo.

Acne in babies can be caused by various things, such as hormones and the large number of bacteria in the skin. neonal acne is often caused by hormones, but it can also be due to skin irritation. According to Zackenfield, neonatal acne can be related to the baby's gland stimuli from the mother's hormone before giving birth which is transmitted through breast milk. In addition, it can also be due to the excess growth of several bacteria species in the skin.

Most medical experts recommend acne that grows on the baby's face. Because it will usually disappear without medical intervention after a few weeks. Maybe just need light cleaning every day with hypoallergenic soap and water.

In some cases, health care providers may suggest certain drugs depending on the nature and causes of acne. For example, neonatal acne and crab cap, health care experts can decide on anti-oil medicine to prevent it more severe.

For infantile acne, it can sometimes be treated with regular acne medication. such as retinoids or benzoil peroxide but only under the direction of professional nurses. But this is in rare conditions, usually caused by hormonal irregularities, such as adrenal tumors or genetic problems.

Doctor Zackenfield explained that breast milk does not mean it cannot cure acne in babies. Only research is needed that encourages the most appropriate recommendations. Breast milk contains antimicrobial and antibacterial compounds that can reduce inflammation. Breast milk also contains probiotics that fortify skin microbes and help cure acne. But if a baby has neonatal acne, it may not help.

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