
YOGYAKARTA Stay productive but don't neglect self-care, it can be done. Because the two are not opposite, the balance can support productivity by doing self-care. How to make productivity balanced with self-care? In taking care of yourself, you don't need to lie down all day which actually interferes with the rhythm of sleep. So, follow the following tips.

A balanced measure can be very relative. It depends on what your activities are and how you manage your schedule all day. If you want to stay productive in completing tasks according to plan, but at the same time taking care of yourself, try to take advantage of the time lag. Don't take too extreme activities at once. You can still sit on the sofa enjoying hot and kakis coffee, but still be able to meet important clients with the best performance. That is, set your time well so you can still take 45 minutes of free time for relaxation.

Self-care and productivity are not the opposite thing. This means that both can be done simultaneously. Then start identifying your activities. Find opportunities to be relaxed, for example when walking from one building to another, enjoy the outside air. It can also be entertainment that supports self-care while remaining productive.

One way to be more productive, according to Alice Boyes, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Monday, August 14, is to target your creativity. Not by increasing your work volume, but you can solve problems creatively. When you are more creative, you will produce a more unique work that combines more of you, and this can feel like self-care.

After your activities, you need to evaluate. Starting from time evaluation to achievement. Well, after planning a productive time, allocate time for self-care. It needs to be understood properly, do your daily activities realistically. Because you are not a robot, then leave energy for self-care when closing your duties today.

Feeling supported is also self-care. So maintain supportive work relationships and take care of yourself in productive activities. Because this is to achieve long-term goals, then identify your friends. Recognize their potential so that you can get support when you get problems.

When you hear that lying down all day is self-care, you can try it. But it's important to evaluate the effect on yourself. If it makes you fresh again, it means that you can be included in the personal care list. But if you lie down all day makes you sluggish the next day, cross out this method.

Self-knowledge is important, because that way you know what is needed and what needs to be done when it comes to self-care.

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