
Entertainment actors such as Hollywood writers and actors are still on strike SAG-AFTRA in order to get an agreement from the production house. The strike, which has been running for more than 30 days, has yet to find a midpoint between the two parties.

SAG-AFTRA went on strike on Thursday, after unions rejected the conditions provided by the Film and Television Producer Alliance (AMPTP) during negotiations for the new contract. The issues separating the two sides are AI protection and updated residual models.

This has an impact on SAG-AFTRA members because they do not have an income during this strike. In order to fight for their rights, they held actions for more than 30 days in a number of production houses.

Amid the situation, the Emergency Financial Assistance Program SAG-AFTRA announced it received more than 15 million US dollars, most of which were donated from 14 actors and seven of them were Oscar recipients.

The actors accounted for at least USD 1 million or approximately IDR 15 billion to help workers who went on strike.

Launching Indiewire, the actors are the couple George and Amal Clooney, Matt Damon and Luciana, Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Fu jurisprudence, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck.

Then there are the couple Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, Julia Roberts, Arnold Schwwarenegger, Total Streep, and presenter Oprah Winfrey. Previously, Dwayne Johnson reportedly contributed up to seven digits to entertainment actors affected by this strike.

Several actors expressed their support for the union, one of thears Streep who felt he could stand up with the workers.

I remember the time when I was a servant, cleaning worker, typist, even when I didn't work. In this strike, I was lucky to be able to support those who fought againstIL," saidxim Streep.

"We will stand strong against companies that take humanity, even the humanity of our profession. I am proud of fellow actors who also donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program," he said again.

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