
JAKARTA - Family psychologist Ketti Murtini said that proper parenting can be the main key in the formation of positive characters in children.

"Parents need to apply the right parenting style, namely parenting that matches the child's personality," said Ketti Murtini as quoted by ANTARA.

The psychologist from the Indonesian Psychology Association (Himpsi) of Central Java, Barlingmascakeb Branch, added that from a psychological perspective, it is known that the three main concepts of parenting are known.

"These three concepts include authoritarian parenting, democratic parenting, and permissive parenting," he said.

According to Ketti, democratic parenting is the most ideal concept because it is balanced between the demand and the response of parents to children.

"However, although democratic parenting is the most ideal concept, actually the main key in parenting is according to the personality of children," he said.

With the right parenting, children will grow and develop with a sense of comfort and also safe so that they can optimize their growth and development properly.

"This feeling of comfort and security is very much needed because it will make the child's personality mature according to his age, therefore parents need to apply parenting according to the child's personality," he said.

For example, he said, for children who are independent and have a good self-concept, democratic parenting can be relevant because children will be easily invited to discuss and exchange ideas so that proper guidance and assistance can be obtained.

"For children who are still very sticky and very dependent on their parents, authoritarian parenting can be relevant because children just follow the rules set by their parents," he said.

Meanwhile, he added that although the main key in parenting is according to the child's personality, according to him, the concept of permissive parenting is the least recommended pattern.

"The concept of permissive parenting or omission is not recommended because children cannot just grow up without parental guidance and assistance," he said.

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