
JAKARTA - Nathalie Holscher surprised the public by changing her appearance. Through an upload on her Instagram account, Sule's ex-wife was seen taking off the hijab she had recently worn.

In the uploaded video, Nathalie Holscher is seen wearing a floral midi dress. The black and white video is equipped with the song Runtuh sung by Feby Putri and Fiersa Besari.

Nathalie was seen sitting in a chair reading a book entitled Be the Happyest Woman written by Dr. Aidh al-Qarni. He opened the book right in a section entitled Happiness Can't Be Purchased With Assets.

Nafsu is spoiled, especially if you obey it. In fact, he has received it a little, "said one of the poems on the page that Nathalie Holscher opened.

But unfortunately, there was no explanation at all from Nathalie Holscher. He chose not to explain anything in his upload caption.

Suddenly the upload was commented on by netizens who looked surprised. Many of them criticized Nathalie Holscher's decision to release her hijab.

"The artist's license after being hurt by the hijab," wrote one netizen in the comments column.

"Only mentally collapsed say, not your faith dear, reuse the hijabmu beb," commented another netizen.

"It's a shame to let go of the hijab," said another.

"If it's humans who make your heart disappointed, why is it the Creator who should be avoided," wrote another netizen.

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