
JAKARTA - Father, Mother, did you know that there are a number of problems that affect the health of the child's mouth? These problems include tooth damage, thumbs up, sticking out your tongue, kissing your lips, and early teeth.

Although baby teeth are eventually replaced with permanent teeth, maintaining the health of the baby's teeth is important for the health and well-being of the child as a whole. Adapted from the WebMd page, Friday, June 16, here are five mouth health problems that children often experience.

Gigiries are cavities problems that occur due to damage and decay on the outside and inside. The cause is excessive sugar consumption from drinks such as fruit juice, breast milk, formula, sugar water, or other sweet drinks.

If not treated, dental caries can cause pain so it is difficult to chew food. In addition, if the baby's teeth are damaged or crushed, it cannot help direct the baby's teeth to the right position, resulting in permanent oriented or bent teeth. Baby teeth that are badly damaged can cause tooth abscess, with the possibility of infection spreading to other parts of the body.

Smoking a thumb, fingers, dots, or toys is a normal and healthy thing for a baby. Smoking objects gives children a sense of security and emotional comfort. However, if smoking a thumb continues until the age of 5 when permanent teeth begin to grow, tooth problems can occur.

Depending on the frequency, intensity, and duration of suction, the teeth can be pushed out of a parallel position, causing them to stand out. Children may also experience difficulties with the correct words. In addition, the upper and lower jaws can become uneven and the roof of the mouth can be a form of incorrectness.

Tongue thrusting is a habit of covering the mouth when swallowing by sticking the upper part of the tongue forward towards the lips. Just like smoking a thumb, sticking out the tongue puts pressure on the front teeth, pushing them out of a parallel position, which causes teeth to stand out and may interfere with the development of the right talk.

If you look at the symptoms of your child sticking out your tongue, consult with a speech pathologist. Experts can develop treatment plans that help your child increase muscle strength and develop a new swallowing pattern.

Smoked the lips is a habit of repeatedly smoking the lower lip using the upper front teeth. Smoking the lower lip can happen on its own or at the same time by smoking a thumbs up. This exercise results in the same overbit and the same kind of problem as smoking a thumb and tongue thrusting.

Early loss of the baby's teeth usually occurs due to tooth damage, injury, or lack of jaw space. If the teeth dated before the teeth grew permanently, nearby teeth could tilt or shift. When permanent teeth try to emerge to their place, there may not be enough space.

Twisted or disparized teeth can cause various health problems of the child's mouth, ranging from correct chewing disorders to causing the problem of the temporomandibarr joints. If your child loses teeth before time, dentists can recommend a space maintenanceer.

Space maintenanceer is a plastic or metal device that holds the open space left by the missing teeth. Your dentist will pull it out once permanent teeth begin to grow.

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