
YOGYAKARTA Natural herbs are often used for tea in certain purposes, including as sedatives. For cats, certain herbs are generally formulated into supplements with the aim of a sedative or stress treatment. This is usually prescribed for domestic cats that experience behavioral disorders and require sedatives. Launching PetMD, Wednesday, June 14, although little research has been found on how effective natural herbal ingredients are below, but it could be a reference. Here's a list of natural herbs commonly used for cats.

In research on human or experimental animals in the form of mice, ashwagandha comes from small shrubs that are used in Ayurveda's treatment. Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol and stress-related hormones in humans.

One of the most widely used treatments in the world is chamomile. It is estimated that bung aini can change the level of neurotransmitter in the brain by tying a receptor the same as a diazepam drug. However, if it is used for cats, it needs to be consulted first with a veterinarian.

Hops is a sedative. Generally side effects are equivalent to drinking one or two cans of beer. Like the natural herbs above, cats are usually formulated first by veterinarians or experts who understand the dose and concoction that is suitable for behavioral problems in cats.

Lemon balm is a mint plant that grows a lot in the Mediterranean, Iran, and Central Asia. But currently this plant is naturalized elsewhere with a maximum growth of one meter. Lemon balm has been in use since the Middle Ages and research on humans shows that this plant helps reduce anxiety and improves mood.

Purple flowers include wild and growing apricot plants.PAsionflower flowers are widely known as medicinal plants used for various purposes. Including to deal with anxiety and stress.

In addition to the five natural herbs above, essential oils that emit aromas can also help as a sedative, especially for domestic cats. However, it should be noted, never give natural herbs or essential oils orally or apply them directly to cats without the supervision of veterinarians. Both natural herbs and lavender essential oils can be used for diffusers so as to produce a soft aroma without direct contact with your favorite anabul at home.

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