
JAKARTA - Rebecca Klopper, who is suspected of being a woman in an exciting video that went viral on Twitter on Monday, May 23, was complained by the Indonesian Muslim Lawyers Association (ALMI) to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Today we have visited the National Police Headquarters, consulted related to the alleged pornography crime that is circulating, which is still busy. We have consulted with the cyber team, we have received a letter of receipt from our complaint to the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters," said Mualim Bahar, a member of the ALMI to the media crew at the National Police Headquarters on Tuesday, May 23.

Reports that are still in the form of complaints, said Mualim, have been accompanied by evidence to strengthen allegations of pornographic crimes.

Meanwhile, the reason ALMI made a complaint was because he felt that the actions taken were inappropriate for a public figure to show. This action is considered to damage the morality of the nation's children

In her complaint, ALMI complained about Rebecca Klopper as a woman suspected of being in an exciting video.

"The alleged reported is the initials RK. We just haven't been able to open it widely to the public. What is certain is that this is the duty of the police to investigate more deeply regarding the circulating video," said Mualim.

There are two legal objects, the first is the person who makes the video, of course RK and his partner. And the second is the one who spreads the video, in this case the social media account number," said Zainul.

Furthermore, Mualim hopes that the police will immediately follow up on the complaint.

"Hopefully this action can be immediately processed by the police and become public attention. Because for us this is in accordance with the mandate of the Pornography Law. That is indeed very damaging to the nation's generation," concluded Mualim Bahar, anggita ALMI.

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