
YOGYAKARTA Good things can also cause stress. Like the fun of running to watch serial films, this can cause stress in the future. Or even stress because in a new relationship or starting to engage in a new hobby. Because stress is only associated with a negative experience, it is necessary to neutralize the situation by exploring other perspectives when dealing with stress.

Alicia Clark, Ph.D., a psychologist who specializes in dealing with anxiety and relationships, says that thinking about exciting things can make us stressed. For example, planning to go on vacation, making us active, focused, and involved even if it's for your good to feel anxiety and pressure at some level. Here are five positive aspects of stress citing Psychology Today, Thursday, May 11.

Physically, stress is experienced when you are active, anxious, and tense. The body will tighten and hormones will change. But when it focuses on stress positivity, it can make the body work better. There are terms that call positive stress, namely eustress. This term refers to the form of positive stress that has a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

Of course everyone wants positive things, including from the stress they face from a situation. It should be realized that joy is a tense situation. A child who gets a surprise on his birthday is in a state of joy. An athlete who is ready to compete also experiences tension. So it is important to consider how the body feels when tense and focused on being involved in a situation, then you are interacting with something interesting.

Positive stress is the key to keeping stress positive when it comes to opening opportunities. For example, when you plan a vacation, you need to work hard to make it realized. Then you adjust as an attempt to get to the destination. There are adjustments, business, and pressure. But the desired results keep us focused on positive stress.

Many experts recommend not to be controlled by emotions. You need to be in control of all situations faced with the right response. Likewise with stress, basically neutral, which is the body's non-specific response to demands and changes. The task of stress is to cause discomfort so that we will pay attention and adapt our behavior to what is needed.

Research shows that the more positive experiences you have with stress, the greater the chance of seeing and responding positively to stress. This means that the more you practice using stress focus to foster motivation will show good results.

In a happy situation, you will also close the day tired. There is also tension from joy and anticipation, it can be uncomfortable. But thinking about stress as something positive, can open up opportunities, focus, and benefit you.

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