
JAKARTA - Mario Ginanjar also took Carlo Saba to his final resting place at the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta today, Friday, April 21.

Remembering the figure of the late Carlo, Mario who joined Kahitna in 2002 turned out to have his own story. He has a big role for Carlo in his musical career.

"He was the first to find me and recommend me to Kahitna. He was the first to meet in 2000 so I can be in Kahitna now," said Mario Ginanjar after Carlo Saba's funeral procession.

Mario realized that Kahitna members would not continue to be nine forever. With the departure of his colleague, he realized that he must continue to struggle to defend Kahitna's name as one of Carlo Saba's relics.

"Kahitna is already more than just a band. Indeed, there will be a time when we are no longer intact, not nine. I always wonder when that time will come, when we will be eight or seven, it turns out that the time is now and we have to accept it," said Mario.

"We must continue to carry out our duties as Indonesian music fighters, to carry out the name Kahitna, Mas Yovie and Mas Carlo, to wake up from the start," he continued.

With Saba's departure, Mario said, there will be something missing for this Eid celebration. He mentioned the habit of Kahitna members who usually gather in Bandung on the second day of Eid.

Yang pasti kehilangan seorang kakak, seorang teman, seorang teman bermusik yang sudah berpuluh-puluh tahun bersamaan, mau apapu pun rasa akan tetap sad. Apalagi ini di hari Raya, biasanya kita berkumpul-kumpul hari kedua di Bandung, tapi tahun ini dan tahun-tahun selanjutnya ada yang kurang, pungkas Mario Ginanjar.

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