
JAKARTA - Carlo Saba, who died on Wednesday, April 19, was buried at the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta today, Friday, April 21. Carlo Saba's body arrived from Sentosa Funeral Home, Central Jakarta at around 11.20 WIB accompanied by dozens of cars in the family, relatives, and friends of the deceased. At the funeral, Ivan Saba as the family representative expressed his gratitude to everyone who accompanied his brother to his final resting place. "Thank you to the brothers and sisters for taking our brother Carlo to his final resting place," said Ivan Saba accompanying Carlo's burial. "All support and prayers of friends are so valuable to us," he continued. After that, from family, relatives to Carlo's friends who were present took turns sprinkling flowers on the grave of the singer who was born in Bandung. Several musicians who were Carlo's colleagues in Kahitna, such as Yovie Widianto and Mario Ginanjar were also seen attending the vocalist's funeral. For information, Carlo Saba died of heart disease that he has experienced since January 2023.
Carlo had undergone a caterization operation before he died. Had felt his condition was improving, on April 19 Carlo's condition suddenly went back down until he finally breathed his last at Mayapada Hospital.

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