
JAKARTA - The serial marriage of Mayangsari and Bambang Trihatmodjo in 2000 was referred to as the reason for the collapse of Halimah's marriage. Mayangsari was then accused of being a male actor.

Despite being blasphemed, Mayangsari is still busy running a household which finally recorded a religious marriage in 2011. Both have a child in 2005 named Khaiani Siti Hartinah Trihatmodjo.

Mayangsari is intensively reported as a senior actor because she has made a scene in her time. To Maia Estianty via the MAIA ALELDUL TV YouTube channel, Mayangsari answered casually about the stigma of the people about her. Here are four Mayangsari statements.

1. Not planning to marry someone who is married to Mayang admits that he never plans to fall in love and marry Bambang Trihatmodjo who already has a wife and child. Therefore, he chose to remain silent because he did not want to be blamed himself as the woman who took someone's husband.

"I want to maintain my feelings, but sometimes I feel unfair because what is always seen is her women. But in principle, I never planned, I never dreamed that I would marry someone who already has a family. So now if someone says this, stupid, I have to accept the consequences," said Mayang.

"What is clear is that my parents never taught their children to do what I did, so don't imitate it," explained Mayang.

2. Never asked Halimah to be divorced Mayangsari admitted that she never asked Bambang to divorce his first wife, Halimah. "I never once asked my husband to divorce his wife," said Mayangsari.

3. Maintaining Bambang's relationship with children After Bambang divorced Halimah, Mayangsari always asked her husband to continue to be responsible for his children from Halimah.

"Until now, my husband's relationship is because there is no term ex-child. I always support my husband, I become a father, responsible because every child needs his father's figure," he explained.

4. Not forcing entry into the Cendana Bambang Trihatmodjo family is part of the Cendana family, the big family of President Suharto. After getting married, Mayang was not immediately accepted by the Cendana family.

Mayangsari explained that she began to slowly be invited by Bambang to join the Cendana family. Knowing himself, Mayangsari did not want to force her husband to take her to the Cendana family.

"As long as you know, until now even if it's not like my husband who brought me, it's impossible for me to be like that. Because I know myself," he concluded.

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