
JAKARTA - Nyepi Day of the New Year Saka 1945 falls on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. This is the holiday of Balinese Hindus in Indonesia. Therefore, the government has set it as a red date where people are closed.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, March 23, 2023, it was designated as a joint leave to commemorate Nyepi Day 2023. This decision is contained in the Joint Decree (SKB) of three ministers, namely the Minister of Religion, the Minister of Manpower, and the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform regarding National Holidays and Joint Leave in 2023.

With the stipulation of March 23, 2023 as a joint leave with Nyepi 2023, the total Nyepi 2023 holiday is 2 days.

1 January : New Year 2023

January 22: Chinese New Year

February 18 : Isra Mi'raj

22 March : Nyepi Holy Day

7 April : Death Of Isa Almasih

22 and 23 April : Eid al-Fitr

May 1st: Labor Day

May 18: The Ascension Of Jesus Christ

June 1: The Birthday Of Pancasila

June 4th: Vesak

June 29 : Eid al-Adha

July 19: Islamic New Year

17 August: Independence Day

28 September: The Birthday Of The Prophet Muhammad

December 25: Christmas

January 23 : Lunar New Year's Joint Holiday

23 March : The Joint Holiday Of Nyepi Day

21.24, 25, and 26 April: Joint Holidays For Eid Al-Fitr

June 2 : Holiday with Vesak

December 26: Christmas Day Joint Holiday.

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