
JAKARTA - Buya Hamka will hit theaters on the Lebaran 2023 holiday. Welcoming Ramadan in 2023, the production house Falcon Pictures and Starvision released a teaser poster featuring a row of Indonesian top film players to accompany Vino G Bastian.

In addition to Vino G Bastian and Laudya Chintya Bella, the film, which will be screened by Indonesian cinemas on April 20, 2023, is also played by Desy Ratnasari, Donny Damara, Reza Rahadian, Ayu Laksmi, Anjasmara, Marthino Lio, Reybong, Mawar De Jongh, Mathias Muchus Verdi Solaeman, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Ben Kasyafani, Wafda Lubis, Ferry Salim, Donny Kesuma, Cok Simbara, Roy Sungkono, Yoriko Angeline, Ajil Ditto, Zayyan Sakha, and Yoga Pratama.

Buya Hamka presents the life story of a figure who is respected by various groups and has contributed a lot to the Indonesian nation, Buya Hamka.

Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, or better known as Buya Hamka himself is a national hero, ulama as well as a writer and politician. Buya Hamka's phase of preaching is not only favored by Muslims in Indonesia, but also recognized by scholars in the world. One of the great services of Buya Hamka in the Islamic world of Indonesia is the birth of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Meanwhile, in works of art, apart from publishing many da'wah books such as interpretations of Al Azhar, Modern Tasawuf, Life Falsafah, and many more, Buya Hamka also produced works such as the novel Merantau to Deli, under the protection of the Kaaba, the sinking of the Van Der Wijck Ship and many more works.

Falcon Pictures producer Frederica revealed that the presence of Buya Hamka film was based on the sincerity of wanting to provide medicine that was beneficial to the community. "This is a form of our dedication to the Indonesian entertainment world. Because Buya Hamka's film is not only entertaining, but also provides guidance. We also hope that there will be many positive lessons that can be learned after watching this film. And Eid is the right time to enjoy Buya Hamka's film with family," he said when contacted Monday, March 13.

Meanwhile, the producer of Starvision, Chand Parwez said, the process of making Buya Hamka is very long, and it costs a lot of money. I say thank God, Alhamdulillah. Because of the phenomenal work that has been in progress since Mr. Din Syamsuddin served as Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) invited me to make a film about Buya Hamka, a great cleric and nationalist kiai who became the first MUI chairman. The work of the Starvision and Falcon collaboration film with MUI requires 9 years at large costs, now ready to be shown in the cinema. Bismillairrohmanirrohim, "he explained.

Secretary General of the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council), Buya Amirsyah, expressed his appreciation for the film Buya Hamka which will be released. "In the near future the Buya Hamka film will be shown in theaters. Buya Hamka is not only a scholar, but also a leading philosopher and satrawan in various countries. Buya Hamka also serves as Chair of the first Indonesian Ulema Council and is active in Muhammadiyah until the end of her life," he said.

Meanwhile, the director of Buya Hamka's film, Fajar Bustomi, revealed that before starting the production of this film, he first studied Buya Hamka's character, through books. "In making this film, I hope, whatever books Buya Hamka studied during her lifetime, and her biography. In my opinion, when making a biography of a character, the director must also learn how the character thinks. Indirectly, we try to get into the pattern of this character. Finally, this character and director have closeness. It makes it easier for the director to make the film," he explained.

Playing the character Buya Hamka, Vino G Bastian revealed how careful he was in this film. "So it's really very careful. Don't get caught in dramatizing but forget the facts. One spiritual experience is not only as a film player but as a human. I can't make an improvisation of a dialogue or anything that has been said by a Buya. When in this film we make what Buya experienced, without reducing or overcoming," said Vino.

The actress Laudya Chintya Bella, who plays the character Siti Raham, the wife of Buya Hamka also experienced difficulties. "It's really difficult, yes, it's really hard because it's from the language too. Because if the language is spoken easily, yes. But this is a language for dialogue, it's difficult. For language to feel heart contact, it takes a long time. Meanwhile, I read only about 20 days and in my opinion, if I can choose to choose the 'please', one more month of reading. In addition, another difficulty is to deepen knowledge by increasing literacy and research on Buya Hamka and its relationship with Siti Raham," Bella said.

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