
JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 202 of 2024 concerning the formation of the National Defense Council (DPN).

A copy document released from the Ministry of State Secretariat's Legal Documentation and Information Network on Sunday, December 22, said that this step was taken as a form of implementation of the mandate of Article 15 paragraph (8) of Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense.

In Chapter 1 which contains Position, Duties, and Functions, it is stated that DPN is a non-structural institution with a strategic task to provide considerations and policy solutions related to state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national safety.

In carrying out its duties as regulated in Article 2, DPN has several functions, namely formulating integrated state defense policies as guidelines for ministries, institutions, and the community in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities to support national defense.

In addition, DPN is also tasked with formulating integrated policies related to the deployment of national defense components in the context of mobilization and demobilization, assessing the risk of state defense policies, and formulating policy solutions related to geostrategy, geopoliticals, and geoeconomics to harmonize strategic policies and priority programs in the national defense sector.

In Chapter II related to the Organization, the composition of the DPN organization consists of the Chairperson of the DPN held by the President, permanent members, and non-permanent members.

Members remain including the Vice President, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, and a number of other officials. Meanwhile, members do not continue to come from government agencies and non-government according to the strategic issues they face.

To support the implementation of the task, Article 6 of the Presidential Regulation stated that the Chairperson of the DPN will be assisted by the Daily Chair who is held by the Minister of Defense, as well as the secretary who is held by the Deputy Minister of Defense.

DPN is tasked with formulating an integrated strategic policy that includes geostrategy, geopoliticals, geoeconomics, as well as mobilization and demobilization of the national defense component. This function is carried out through various coordinations across relevant ministries and institutions.

The implementation of the DPN's duties will be supported by funding from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) allocated through the Ministry of Defense.

This Presidential Regulation also regulates the transfer of funding, human resources, and documents from the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council to the Ministry of Defense within six months after the Presidential Decree takes effect.

With the enactment of this Presidential Decree, Presidential Decree Number 101 of 1999 concerning the National Resilience Council is revoked and declared invalid. This Presidential Decree was promulgated on December 14, 2024.

More complete information regarding Presidential Decree Number 202 of 2024 can be downloaded at this link.

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