
JAKARTA - The Devil Followers Film will hit theaters on February 16, 2023. During the premiere of the players, Mawar de Jongh, Hanggini, and Sara Fajira admitted that they did not expect their acting to be very sadistic.

"We've been really looking forward to this broadcast, yes, we've already asked when we can prepare, finally, when we arrived today, we watched it," said Mawar when met in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Friday, February 10.

So sadistic, the use of the word woman was avoided by director Rako Prijanto. After watching, Sara admitted that she could not stand to see the sadness that appeared in this film.

"It's beyond reason, starting from Sumi who sells human sugar. I don't imitate it," he explained.

Showing many scenes with blood, Mawar admitted that she had to practice before really doing the scene. "I don't even have the courage to use blood, so several times I talked about what the blood came from, what did the meat use goat meat for. In the film, it'saris human meat," said Mawar.

The Devil's Followers tells the story of Sumi (Mawar de Jongh) living alone taking care of her sick father. In order to meet the needs of life, she sells sugar from human meat in the village. This leaves a question mark when the villagers disappear.

In addition, Sari (Handgini) became a witchcraft shaman after her sister was killed. Sari is determined to take revenge because her sister's body was missing from the grave. These women are allied with the devil who became the beginning of his main conflict.

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