
JAKARTA - Consuming guava juice, date juice and papaya leaf water is not to deal with dengue fever but will only increase platelets for people with dengue fever (DHF).

The head of Komnas KIPI (After Immunization Follow-up Event) as well as a specialist in children and consultants for infectious and tropical diseases Prof. Dr. dr. Hinky Hindra Irawan Satari, SpA(K), M.TropPaed explained that it was just a myth.

"The journey of dengue fever is the fatal effect that can cause death is due to leakage of blood vessels. It's not the low number of platelets. So jambu, kurma juice, papaya leaf water, it's claimed to increase platelets, right," Hinky said as quoted by ANTARA, Snein, February 6.

"So that's actually not the purpose of the treatment. Procedure such as dengue treatment is to replace the liquid because the blood vessel leaks. It's not to increase the platelet. The platelet will go up by itself," he continued.

Nevertheless, Hinky said that it is okay if parents want to give guava juice, date juice and papaya leaf water if their child has dengue fever. However, it should be focused on meeting the child's fluid needs.

"If the blood vessels leak, they are not given water, shocked, they can die. So actually, it's okay to give guava juice, papaya leaf water or kurma juice. But it's not just to increase the platelets. Because the main thing is, the keyword is to give the right fluids. according to the degree of leakage of the child's blood vessels," he explained.

Therefore, when the child is exposed to dengue fever, parents are not obliged to give the juice of dates, guava juice or papaya leaf water. However, parents can provide other fluids such as milk, tea, or even soup for the child so that the fluid needs can be met.

"It doesn't mean that he likes jambu juice and then the platelets go up. No, no. The platelets will indeed rise on the 6th day. It's the same as scheme. It's a week of disease. If we fulfill the liquid, God willing, the platelets will rise by themselves," he explained.

"I don't have to juice guava either. I want avocado juice, I want whatever juice, just drink it. Tea, water, milk, soup can also be done. Anyway, liquid," explained Hinky.

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