
JAKARTA - Coping skills are ways that you can do in dealing with stressful or traumatized situations. This is a strategy that is done consciously to manage emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, and sadness. Although the problem is not immediately resolved, having good coding skills can help manage your feelings.

Everyone has the ability to make themselves happy. Launching Psychcentral, Wednesday, February 1, there are at least six ways that you can develop this ability. Keep reading this article if you want to learn it further and feel happy.

Positive reframing or looking from the good side will be challenging at the beginning, especially when in a grieving position. Reframing can be cognitive, namely focusing on your mind, or emotional, which is to focus on feelings.

It's very natural that you have difficulty taking the positive side of the sad situation. But at least this way you don't ignore feelings of sadness. You're so more respectful of the aspects that connect you with people or events that make you feel lost.

It's impossible to lose when you lose a little, but that doesn't mean you have to continue to be trapped in tears. Although this effort doesn't always work because it depends on how deep your sadness is. However, finding something humorous in nature is actively able to help you overcome sadness.

For example, you can focus on funny memories with your loved ones. You can also watch your favorite comedy or see cute photos from the past.

Acceptance is not about being fine for the feeling of sadness that surrounds. More acceptance of focusing on what will happen next and how you learn to live after that loss. Focusing on re-adjusting with the new reality can lead to positive emotions, such as hope and gratitude.

To overcome sadness, try to focus on aspects that exceed the sense of loss. For example, what you learn from loss itself or from people or events that make you lose.

Apart from feeling sad because of the death of a loved one, you can still control sadness and find solutions to improve your condition. For example, if you have just ended your relationship with your partner, maybe now is the time to introspect. You can also focus on doing other things like moving to a new place, rearranging the house, or separating your ex-partner's belongings.

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